Robert de Bretueil

Modern Standardized Name

Robert de Bretueil

Aliases (epithets)

the Whitehanded, ès Blanchmains, de Beaumont


third earl of Leicester


Leicester (52.636111, -1.133056)

Expedition Date/s



Robert was probably already in middle age when, in 1168, he succeeded his father as earl of Leicester. During the worsening relations between King Henry II and his sons, Robert sided with Henry the Young king and in 1173 led an uprising within England using Flemish mercenaries. The uprising failed and Robert's castles and lands were mostly forfeit- in 1177 he regained some holdings in Normandy and began to appear at Henry's court. Following his 1179 expedition, Robert took the cross for the Third Crusade and died on the journey at Durazzo.


"Annales de Waverleia ," in Annales Monastici 2, ed. H.R. Luard (London: Longman, 1865), p. 241.


David Crouch, "Breteuil, Robert de [Robert ès Blanchmains, Robert the Whitehanded, Robert de Beaumont], third earl of Leicester," in ODNB.


“Robert de Bretueil,” Independent Crusaders Project, accessed September 19, 2024,

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