Ralph III de Mauléon

Modern Standardized Name

Ralph III de Mauléon

Aliases (epithets)

Raoul de Mauléon, Radulphus princeps


lord of Talmond, lord of La Rochelle


Talmont-sur-Gironde (45.5361, -0.9067)

Expedition Date/s



Raoul de Mauléon was a member of a powerful Aquitainian seigneurial family who played a central role in the history of the Angevin overlordship of the region. His arrival in the Latin East in 1183 was noted by William of Tyre, associated with the arrival of Godfrey III of Louvain, although their journeys are unlikely to have been related. He went on to join Richard I of England on the Third Crusade.


William of Tyre, book XXII, chapter 27.


J.H. Chaytor, Savaric de Mauleon: Baron and Troubadour (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1939), pp. 3-6 (does not mention his 1183 crusade).


“Ralph III de Mauléon,” Independent Crusaders Project, accessed September 20, 2024, https://independentcrusadersproject.ace.fordham.edu/items/show/2396.

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